Who Wants To Be An Olympian?

Who Wants To Be An Olympian?

Children and adults dancing and smiling
Pakiki Theatre group.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage – £10,000 to £250,000

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Awdurdod Lleol
Pakiki Theatre C.I.C
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Pakiki Theatre’s Who wants to be an Olympian? project explored the sporting heritage of the Olympics and Paralympics with young people in Newham.

Thanks to £22,424 National Lottery funding, Pakiki Theatre shared the story of the London 2012 Olympic Games with children aged 6-12 years old.

They will launch an interactive show in June 2022 for Newham Heritage Month, during the 10th anniversary year of the Games.

To bring the Olympics to life, they researched and recorded the stories of local sportspeople and sports clubs from the time. These memories were shared in the show and attendees also had a chance to share their own experiences. The project’s research and oral history recordings were then be added to the Newham Local Archive.

At the time of the project being awarded funding, the organisers hoped the project would inspire young generations through the excitement felt at the time, so that the Olympics’ legacy can continue to grow in the borough.

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