Worthing's First World War discovery trail

Worthing's First World War discovery trail

A young participant shaking hands with an actor in period uniform

First World War: Then and Now

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Creative Waves Community Arts
Rhoddir y wobr
Creative Waves Community Arts enabled young and old residents of Worthing to rediscover their town.

The community interest company involved and inspired the local community through the creation of their First World War discovery trail.

The project showcased the power of bringing heritage alive through community engagement and participation, achieving a huge amount within the scope of a small grant.

Twenty-one adults and 20 students volunteered in the research, planning and delivery of the trail around Worthing, which illuminated the role of 15 local architectural landmarks in the First World War.

The creation of the trail included interviews with residents and visits to Worthing Museum and Art Gallery; over 70% of volunteers had not visited the Museum before but said they would again, and everyone involved benefitted from developing skills in doing oral history interviews and archival research.

10,000 copies of the heritage trail map were distributed around Worthing, and 700 schoolchildren were encouraged to learn more about their family’s part in the First World War through dedicated assemblies. The project maximised its reach through the production of an educational resource pack, a trip to a recreated trench, the creation of a mini-allotment in a local park and an exhibition on Worthing pier.

One participant said: "Volunteers and students told us they enjoyed the project and felt it was a rewarding and beneficial experience being involved with an activity that has a high profile in the town."