WoodWorks - Young people revealing the history and realising the potential of Scotland's woodlands

WoodWorks - Young people revealing the history and realising the potential of Scotland's woodlands

Participant at a residential workshop
Participant at a residential workshop

Young Roots

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Howe of Fife and Tay Coast
Awdurdod Lleol
Falkland Stewardship Trust
Rhoddir y wobr
Young people celebrated the heritage of Scottish woodlands by learning traditional wood-based skills and developing woodland-based enterprises.

Over 115 young people aged 16 to 24 years old engaged in Woodworks, which aimed to reconnect young people with Scottish woodlands. Falkland Stewardship Trust worked in collaboration with dot.rural and Hot Tap Media. Workshops and taster sessions covered a variety of topics including furniture making, green woodworking, natural dyeing, weaving with willow, wood carving and stone carving and bush craft.

Young participants were matched with a professional mentor currently working in the industry to help develop woodland-based business plans. Working together with experienced craftspeople, young people learned new traditional skills and techniques that are important to Scotland's cultural heritage. As a result of the project, seven young people initiated their own enterprises, from stone carving inspired by trees to delivering wood carving courses for children.

One project participant said: “We looked at my existing skills and then the ways which WoodWorks could enable me to build on these by providing me with training, tools, access to materials and mentorship.”