Welling will remember them: uncovering local soldiers who died in the First World War

Welling will remember them: uncovering local soldiers who died in the First World War

An icon of a plaque

Your Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Crook Log
Awdurdod Lleol
East Wickham and Welling War Memorial Trust
Rhoddir y wobr
This community-guided research project, Welling Will Remember Them, told the stories of people from Welling and East Wickham in South East London who fought in the First World War.

Seventeen people were recruited as research volunteers to uncover the stories of the 105 men who are listed on the war memorial at St Michael's Church, East Wickham and to find out about other men from the local area who fought in the war. The research volunteers also visited Ypres to look for some of the graves of the fallen soldiers, and to find out more about the battles and conditions on the Western Front. School children were also an important part of the project, researching some of the men who attended their school and learning about the First World War and life on the home front.

The information discovered about the soldiers was presented to the public between 2012 and 2014 through:

  • a touring exhibition staged at venues across Bexley
  • a six-month exhibition at Hall Place
  • workshops, talks and reminiscence sessions for older members of the community
  • a website
  • a booklet

Read more about the project on the East Wickham and Welling War Memorial Trust website.