Walter Tull: first black Tottenham Hotspur player and First World War officer

Walter Tull: first black Tottenham Hotspur player and First World War officer

An icon of speech marks

First World War: Then and Now

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
West Green
Awdurdod Lleol
Tottenham Theatre Company
Rhoddir y wobr
This project focused on the life of Walter Tull, the first black player for Tottenham Hotspur FC and one of the first black soldiers to have served as an officer during the First World War.

The project centred on the play Tull by Phil Vasili. Working with 30 young volunteers, the project explored what Tull’s legacy means to the Tottenham community through dramatic performances in community venues and extra-curricular projects. Additional workshops enabled the audiences to discuss the issues raised by Tull’s life.

Informed by sound historical sources and a range of local partner organisations, the project encouraged young people to learn about the experience of the First World War and the wider political context of the era, namely, race, racism and the right to vote. The project’s legacy will be ensured through a DVD and other media records that enhances the Bruce Castle Museum First World War archive, reaching a wide audience.