VAD indexes online: personnel records of First World War volunteers

VAD indexes online: personnel records of First World War volunteers

An illustration of women of the voluntary aid detachment
An illustration of women of the voluntary aid detachment

Our Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Coleman Street
Awdurdod Lleol
City of London
British Red Cross Society
Rhoddir y wobr
This project created an online database of records held by the British Red Cross on volunteers during the First World War.

100 trained volunteers transcribed the information on 244,000 Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) personnel index cards, and created a searchable online database.

Digitising this information for the first time allows us to better understand the people who volunteered to provide humanitarian aid during the conflict. The index cards include each volunteer's social background, gender, age, qualifications, and responsibilities - an invaluable resource for family history researchers and historians.

The First World War volunteers website launched to coincide with the centenary of the First World War, featuring a searchable database of the index cards and enabling people to learn about the contribution of VAD volunteers to the war effort. The website also features a downloadable teaching resource and a range of multimedia, including photos and audio recordings of VAD volunteers discussing their own personal experiences. The database is available to the public free of charge, and was promoted widely through social media and the printed press to a diverse audience including London history groups, record offices, and local primary and secondary schools across London.