Landscape Partnerships
With £2.5million, the Tomintoul and Glenlivet Landscape Partnership improved important wetland habitats for wading birds, restored riverside woodlands and conserved historic ruins for visitors to discover.
Public, private and community partners came together to focus on conserving, regenerating and celebrating their unique landscape, nature and cultural heritage.
Engaging local people was key, so the project created opportunities for them to record and research local history, develop new skills and learn about the landscape and its history.
The partnership delivered 20 projects focused on improving habitats for wildlife, protecting riverbanks, reducing light pollution, delivering a training and education programme and improving access and interpretation for communities and visitors.
There were at least 21 different partner organisations, up to seven staff and numerous local contractors and volunteers involved.
One project participant said: "The Landscape Partnership has pulled resources together – people, knowledge, experience – binding the community together.”
The complex landscape and habitats of Tomintoul and Glenlivet have been brought to life in a new Discovery Centre in the centre of Tomintoul, reconnecting people to the past and present landscape.
To find out more, visit the Tomintoul and Glenlivet Landscape Partnership website.