Sharing Heritage
The River Teme is home to iconic species such as the otter, kingfisher and the internationally important fresh water pearl mussel. It flows between spectacular landscapes in a catchment area of over 1,700km2.
Like all rivers, the Teme and its tributaries are under increasing pressure from a number of sources. The Severn Rivers Trust aimed to address this problem with our support as part of their Catchment Management Plan. The Trust is a registered charity which protects and improves waterways and its wildlife.
Local people were encouraged to join the Riverfly Partnership, bringing different interest groups together to care for the river. Workshops provided training to local people in monitoring techniques and invertebrate identification. Trained volunteers are now producing monthly monitoring reports which will help the Trust manage and improve the river into the future.
We have been thrilled with the positive feedback...and look forward to working even closer with our rapidly expanding volunteer riverfly monitors in the future.
Mike Morris, Senior Project Manager, Severn Rivers Trust