South Field Site Aircraft Display Hall

South Field Site Aircraft Display Hall

Visitors and an aircraft at Newark Air Museum South Field Site Display Hall

Heritage Grants

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Newark and Sherwood
Newark (Nottinghamshire & Lincolnshire) Air Museum
Rhoddir y wobr
The new hall at Newark Air Museum was designed to allow 19 aircraft to be properly displayed for the first time, and give the public improved facilities for viewing and learning about the aircraft.

The grant also secured the donation of four aircraft that were previously on loan to the museum, and helped to develop and enhance the ‘training aircraft’ theme of the collection.

The museum collection contains 59 aircraft and cockpit sections, covering areas and themes in aviation history, notably training aircraft. This project has helped to protect and conserve 19 aircraft, nearly one third of the total collection, all of which are listed as nationally important.