Saving Marshlands: Wetland Heritage and Wildlife

Saving Marshlands: Wetland Heritage and Wildlife

Volunteers in the reedbed at Blacktoft Sands
Volunteers in the reedbed at Blacktoft Sands

Our Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Snaith, Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Marshland
Awdurdod Lleol
East Riding of Yorkshire
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Rhoddir y wobr
Improving the management of important marshlands in East Riding through volunteer training and traditional conservation to connect people with natural heritage.

The RSPB at Blacktoft Sands nature reserve have been recruiting and training volunteers to help understand and manage the internationally important marshland wetland.

By improving the facilities, developing dedicated training and supporting volunteers, the project has helped benefit the site through wildlife surveying, land and habitat management but also making sure that visitors get the most of their time at Blacktoft.

The site boasts water voles, little egrets, avocets and a multitude of other species which attracts a wide range of visitors. Having identified the importance of connecting people with natural heritage, the project has funded a Volunteer and Visitor Officer who has developed a range of events, activities and interpretation to help people appreciate these amazing wetlands. The volunteers have been trained to deliver guided walks, 'guide-in-hide' sessions, community open days and events.

Peter Short, Site Manager, said: “For me this is the future, and partly what this project is about, giving people from all walks of life the knowledge and skills to manage the countryside properly for wildlife.”

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