Reviving the Mount

Reviving the Mount

Historical photo of the mount
Historical photo of the mount

Parks for People

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Wyre Borough Council
Rhoddir y wobr
A community-led restoration project of a renowned and important coastal garden.

Mount Garden is a three-hectare landmark occupying the highest point on the coast in Fleetwood. The site is owned and managed by Wyre Council and forms the centre-piece of the only Regency planned new town in England, designed in 1836 by Decimus Burton.

Loved by the community, the garden and buildings hold important social and communal value and are associated with cultural events and traditions. It is the point from which many visitors begin discovering Fleetwood’s history.

This project will focus on bringing the green space back to its former glory. New learning opportunities will be made available to the community through a variety of talks, tours and exhibitions.

Volunteers will be recruited and trained to assist with the re-planting of the horticultural spaces, which, along with the inclusion of pathways and new street furniture, will raise the appeal of the garden. The improvement and restoration of the lodge and pavilion buildings will provide a meeting room and classroom space for engagement activities too.

Theatrical performance, film, photography and visual media will be used to interpret the environment, heritage themes and traditions associated with the garden – broadening awareness of its historic role in the town.