A resilient future for Milfield Heavy Horse Association

A resilient future for Milfield Heavy Horse Association

A heavy horse

Start Up Grants

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Norham and Islandshires
Awdurdod Lleol
Milfield Heavy Horse Association
Rhoddir y wobr
Milfield Heavy Horse Association at Hay Farm in Berwick-upon-Tweed is set up to celebrate and preserve rare breed heavy horses and keep traditional farming skills alive.

The farm also displays a large collection of horse drawn machinery and information about the history of the Clydesdale breed. 

Through this award, the Association took an important first step towards a more resilient future. They worked with professionals to develop a five-year business plan, a collections policy and a management and maintenance plan to ensure that their site and its collections will be better managed. 

A training programme has also provided its committed group of volunteers with the necessary skills to repair and restore a newly acquired collection of agricultural horse-drawn equipment. New partnerships have been formed with other sites within the Ford and Etal estate in Berwick-upon-Tweed to promote a joint visitor offer and link more directly with its surrounding community.

The ultimate goal will be to work towards gaining Museums Accreditation and developing an accessible visitor attraction and training venue for disappearing rural crafts and skills.