Young Roots
A National Trust family archaeology event at Belton House inspired young people to suggest ideas for more in-depth investigation of the site - keen to explore the lives of people active there. This developed into a partnership project supported by Grantham Explorer Scouts.
Young people planned the project and renamed it ‘Lest we forget Belton’s bravest’. They actively dug at community archaeology events, analysed and researched their finds and presented what they discovered with poetry, a visual scrapbook and remembrance walks. Guided and mentored in this process by the National Trust’s Learning manager and Regional Archaeologist. New skills were developed, confidence built-up and a greater understanding of the site shared across the community.
Community centenary commemorations for the Camp were a timely context for the project. The activity contributed towards participants Queens Scout Awards and Bronze Art Awards. The wider outcome of a practice framework will support young people and the National Trust in continued work together.