The Radstock Museum oral history video archive project

The Radstock Museum oral history video archive project

An icon of quotation marks

Local Heritage Initiative

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Bath and North East Somerset
Radstock, Midsomer Norton and District Museum Society
Rhoddir y wobr
Radstock Museum led an oral history project to identify and record the memories and experiences of former miners who worked in North Somerset coalfield.

Schoolchildren and other local people volunteered time and learned about heritage through visiting the museum, attending field trips, talks and interviewing former miners. Local schoolchildren developed skills in oral history techniques, planning and team working.

An archive and learning resource was created for the museum, schools and the wider community. This also included an exhibition, booklet and DVD – ensuring the heritage is now better interpreted and explained for future generations.

Read more on the Radstock Museum website.