Queenhithe Dock Heritage Timeline

Queenhithe Dock Heritage Timeline

An expert explaining the historical significance of the docks, on site

Our Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
City of London
Southbank Mosaics CIC
Rhoddir y wobr
The heritage timeline will explore the histories of people and communities who have influenced the only surviving Anglo Saxon dock, Queenhithe dock.

Southbank Mosaics will engage local residents, a school, and marginalised groups to conduct shore-based archaeology and research to better interpret the heritage of the docks.

This dock was key to London's emergence as a maritime power. Yet despite this, the heritage of the Queenhithe Dock is not well interpreted or represented. The project will conduct in-depth research about this only surviving Anglo Saxon dock and record the layers of heritage in a visually attractive way to inform visitors. The mosaic, which will be made out of archaeological materials from the Thames, will be accessible to the millions of people who walk along the river.

It will be created by school children and a wider volunteer group, guided by the artisan volunteers and tutors, where sections of an interpretive timeline will be presented. Heritage research workshops for volunteers will produce a book, a guided walk and a film.

“This project will turn what is at present a dull and anonymous space into a colourful and meaningful place. It will bring this vital part of London’s history back to life, giving all Londoners a sense of pride in their historic Thames-side heritage.”