Pontypool Town Centre THI

Pontypool Town Centre THI

A street in Pontypool

Townscape Heritage Initiative

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Torfaen County Borough Council
Rhoddir y wobr
The Pontypool Townscape Heritage Initiative is contributing to Torfaen County Borough Council’s regeneration strategy and vision for Pontypool town centre.

The Pontypool area has been associated with the manufacture of iron since the 15th century. The town grew around the estate of the Hanbury family, who bought land there at the end of the 16th century to establish an ironworks.

The focus of this project is on the town’s commercial and retail centre, where the majority of historic buildings are located. Refurbishment is being concentrated in the most visited area of the town in order to make the most impact on public perception of the area as a commercial centre.