Pontypool Park

Pontypool Park

Entrance gates to Pontypool Park


Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Torfaen County Borough Council
Rhoddir y wobr
Torfaen County Borough Council received funding to conserve and restore Pontypool Park.

The park is the only public park in the town. It is included on the Cadw/ICOMOS register at Grade II*, and the house and stable block lie in a conservation area. The park was originally laid out in the late 17th century for the Hanburys, a leading local iron master family.

The project sought to conserve Pontypool Park and reinstate its historic character. The project included restoring the Italian Gardens and icehouse, recreating formal lawns to the front of the mansion, reinstating the deer park and two historic ponds, and restoring the original ornate entrances.

Plans also included creating two new posts of Park Manager and Horticultural Assistant to be based in the park full time.