Polesworth Abbey Community Archaeology Part 2

Polesworth Abbey Community Archaeology Part 2

An archaeologist showing his findings to local families

Your Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Polesworth East
Awdurdod Lleol
North Warwickshire
Polesworth Abbey Community Interest Company
Rhoddir y wobr
Hundreds of local people took part in a community archaeology project at Polesworth Abbey, near Tamworth.

Led by a community archaeologist, volunteers were able to explore this Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) using their newly-developed archaeology skills. 

Finds such as decorative tiles and Bellarmine pot fragments were interpreted through a range of writing, drawing and poetry-based activities; encouraging local people to share their experience of the heritage. Volunteers also organised tours of the site and delivered presentations to school children and the wider public.

A DVD and leaflet were created at the end of the project to enable people to access the heritage far into the future. Read the results of the dig and see project findings on the Polesworth Abbey website.

Father Philip Wells, Polesworth Abbey, said: “This community archaeology project has been a unique amazing opportunity for local people to explore their heritage and make history. From archaeology to commemorative artwork, the whole project added to our sense of place and enabled local people to be involved in decisions about the abbey's future."