Peterborough, Central Park

Peterborough, Central Park

Image icon showing a simple outline of a tree


Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Peterborough City Council
Rhoddir y wobr
This project helped to restore Peterborough’s Central Park back to its Victorian splendour.

The project focused on restoring the 19th and early 20th century landscape of the park and protecting its historic features. 

The park was designed and constructed by the Peterborough Land Company to accompany residential development in 1877. The original park landscape included a pavilion and a croquet lawn, a pond, rockery and ornamental gardens. Since the 1880s other facilities have been added including an open-air theatre, tea-room, bowling green, tennis courts and a children’s play area. A number of the original features have since disappeared, including the bandstand and the pond, which has been converted to a sunken flower garden.