Pass on the Memories

Pass on the Memories

An icon, a simple line drawing of speech marks to represent oral histories

All Our Stories

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Everton in the Community
Rhoddir y wobr
Through this project, men and women in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia will be recalling and sharing their memories of working and living in Liverpool.

Volunteers are being trained to work with a small group, which includes former Everton and Liverpool football players, and to stimulate memories with trips, talks and reminiscence sessions about football, music and other topics.

They will visit Merseyside's three football grounds (Liverpool, Everton and Tranmere Rovers), Albert Dock, Merseyside Maritime Museum, Museum of Liverpool, Liverpool John Lennon Airport and historical buildings in the city. They will research their own ancestry and memory books will be produced for each group member, to act as personal keepsakes and also to record different aspects of the city's heritage.

Project Director Henry Mooney said: "They may be living with memory loss, but that doesn't mean it's the end of their life."