Part of IT- Our story

Part of IT- Our story

Cultures CIC project exhibition
Cultures CIC project exhibition

First World War: Then and Now

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Stockton Town Centre
Awdurdod Lleol
Cultures CIC
Rhoddir y wobr
Cultures CIC led a First World War project put together by the young people in the Teesside area which explored the contributions of African people and the effect of the war on the African continent.

The group filmed interviews with community members who remembered stories from the First World War which were then edited into a documentary DVD. Helped by research training from Preston Park Museum, volunteers visited the collections at the Imperial War Museum and the National Archives to build on what they had learned from the interviews.

Folasade Sangowawa, Chief Executive, said: “Without National Lottery funding it would have been impossible to develop this project, educate communities and be proud as Africans both young and old to celebrate contributions to the First World War.”

An exhibition of their work was displayed in regional cafes, colleges and Teesside University during Black History Month and became the basis for workshops they hosted at primary schools.