The Metropolitan Railway and the birth of Amersham-on-the-Hill

The Metropolitan Railway and the birth of Amersham-on-the-Hill

A student visiting the Metroland exhibit

All Our Stories

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Penn Wood and Old Amersham
Awdurdod Lleol
Amersham Museum Ltd
Rhoddir y wobr
Metroland researched and shared the story of Amersham-on-the-Hill during the 150th anniversary of the Metropolitan Railway.

Amersham Museum is a small, award-winning museum located in a 15th-century building in the heart of old Amersham. This special project celebrated, and helped people learn about this important and exciting anniversary.

This new exhibition has interpreted the story of the railway coming to Amersham and tied it in with the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Metropolitan Railway.

After a six-month research project, the museum created a pop-up exhibition in Amersham-on-the-Hill. Over 5,300 people visited the exhibition over three weeks including visits from local schools. A popular programme of talks to support the exhibition was attended by over 400 people.

The research included a series of oral history interviews. These interviews are available to listen to online via HistoryPin. The museum has produced a loan box for schools and community groups, and a guided walk of Amersham-on-the-Hill.

The exhibition panels were also temporarily on display at the Bucks Railway Centre in Quainton, and at the Town Show on King George V Field for a local Heritage Day.

Even though this project had a small budget, the museum created an exciting and engaging exhibition with many outputs which local people enjoyed. 

"The grant enabled us to involve volunteers in new ways with all those who got involved still actively helping and supporting the museum over a year later.”