A volunteer shares his family's story of moving after partition to escape the dangers for Muslim families.
Heritage Grants
Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
GLASGOW, Scotland
Fòcas Scotland
Rhoddir y wobr
The Memories of Independence project gathered and shared stories from India and Pakistani families, about Indian Independence and moving to Scotland.
Focas Scotland is an organisation focused on delivering creative projects inspired by Scotland’s international heritage.
As part of the UK India Year of Culture 2017, Glasgow’s Indian and Pakistani families shared stories and photographs relating to partition, Indian independence and moving to Scotland following the partition of India.
Volunteers collected oral histories and photographs from a number of families. They were trained to create an online photographic archive to share these stories with the wider public.
The project gathered unheard perspectives on why Indian and Pakistani families settled in Scotland after independence and how this is now viewed by younger generations.