From Me to You' - Taking Stobswell Down Memory Lane...

From Me to You' - Taking Stobswell Down Memory Lane...

Teenage boy with red hair holding up camera to his eye covering his face. B&w archive group photo in background

Young Roots

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Dundee City
Baxter Park Urban Rangers
Rhoddir y wobr
Inspired by the history of a local park, a youth group researched the heritage of their area and shared this with the wider community.

Dundee youth group S-Crew-5 worked in partnership with the Youth Work department at Dundee City Council and Baxter Urban Park Rangers to research and celebrate the history of their local area. The focus of the project was Baxter Park, a Victorian urban park designed by Sir Joseph Paxton. It is the only complete example of a Paxton-designed park in Scotland.

The young people recreated a 1970s-style children’s entertainment show. These used to be held regularly in Baxter Park. It included a bonny baby competition, Mr Muscles and Miss Baxter Park contests, and a talent show. They also provided a reminiscence stand at the annual Celebration in the Park event to encourage local people to share their memories. Residents past and present were invited to record their memories on luggage labels. These were collected by the young people and attached to a ‘memory tree’ they made out of papier-mâché.

The group carried out research at the Verdant Works Museum, which celebrates Dundee’s textile heritage, and created an exhibition at their local library. They asked local people to donate old photographs and memorabilia through the council intranet and via posters and a leaflet they designed.

The young people took on key roles in the project and developed a range of skills in the process, including project and event management. They also created a website to keep people informed about the progress of the project. The project enabled residents to reminisce about the history of their area and created an increased sense of shared local heritage. The group produced a booklet about the history of Stobswell and a mosaic in Baxter Park to act as lasting reminders of the project.