Lincoln Cathedral Connected (KickstartGIA2020)

Lincoln Cathedral Connected (KickstartGIA2020)

The Cathedral in Lincoln

Heritage Grants (inc. Capital Kickstart)

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Lincoln Cathedral
Rhoddir y wobr
Lincoln Cathedral is one of the finest, and largest, cathedrals in northern Europe. This, added to its unique hilltop location, makes it one of the most visible buildings in the UK.

While Lincoln Cathedral's daily life revolves around prayer and worship; it is a place of sanctuary, welcome and support for the whole community.

The Lincoln Cathedral Connected project will aid people’s search for truth, beauty and goodness by encouraging existing and new audiences to discover the Cathedral’s spiritual and historical identity.

As an international visitor attraction, the Cathedral welcomes around 200,000 visitors a year. Around 80,000 of these pay for entry. Increasingly the Cathedral has a national and international profile, promoting Lincoln and Lincolnshire as a place to visit.

As part of the project, the Cathedral will:

  • Improve interpretation of the Cathedral's stories and forgotten symbolism
  • Provide a new programme of activities
  • Create a Visitor Centre.
  • Improve the Cathedral exterior and landscape.
  • Provide an engaging space where schools and community groups can learn.

Some of the Cathedral's most precious assets are shared near and far. The Cathedral's Magna Carta has pride of place in a dedicated vault at the newly refurbished Lincoln Castle, having been displayed across the world, including at the Library of Congress (Washington) and at the British Library (London).