How I Got Here - Journey to Fareham

How I Got Here - Journey to Fareham

An old photograph showing a car and three people in front of a house
An old family photograph from the project

Your Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Hill Head
Awdurdod Lleol
Cultural Journeys
Rhoddir y wobr
The project focused on the exploration of maps and local archive material to illustrate the inter-generational journeys of people, from different cultural backgrounds and communities, who now live in Fareham.

The Cultural Journeys organisation was set up as a direct response to on-going interest in heritage and the family histories of people from diverse backgrounds. This was their first major project which shared participants’ diverse geographical, cultural and social journeys, while teaching local primary school children about these oral histories.

The project produced 15 oral history interviews, and mapped the personal histories of six individuals from diverse backgrounds living in Fareham. Volunteers conducted the interviews, then translated, transcribed and edited them to create display panels for an exhibition. A total of 24 workshops were also held to teach children research skills and conduct inter-generational interviews.

A heritage day celebrated the diversity of cultures and helped local people learn about the different types of heritage in their area. The project produced photographic material for exhibition displays, and a principal volunteer helped to showcase the activities throughout the project.

The project resulted in a new exhibition at the local museum to celebrate and share what the young people had learned. A book of short stories was produced to complement the exhibition and inspire future research and debate. More can be found on the Cultural Journeys website.

A member of the project team, said: “Hosting the exhibition at Westbury Manor Museum, which is in the heart of Fareham, generated understanding of diversity and different cultures and heritage.”