'Gone but not forgotten' - remembering those from Petersfield affected by the First World War

'Gone but not forgotten' - remembering those from Petersfield affected by the First World War

Local schoolchildren hold period items
Local schoolchildren hold period items

First World War: Then and Now

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Petersfield St Peter's
Awdurdod Lleol
East Hampshire
Petersfield Museum Limited
Rhoddir y wobr
Petersfield Museum used the medium of dance to tell the stories of Hampshire residents in the First World War.

Petersfield Museum tells the social, industrial and cultural history of the Hampshire South Downs town and its surrounding villages from the Bronze Age to the present day.

Throughout 2014, the Museum focused events and exhibitions on commemorating Petersfield’s involvement in the First World War.

Through the Gone but not forgotten project, choreographers spent several months working with local schoolchildren to interpret the stories of agricultural labourers, soldiers and young people using movement. At the same time, teams of volunteers from groups such as U3A, the Royal British Legion and Petersfield Area Historical Society researched the lives of residents affected by the conflict, scanning materials for an online exhibition. The project culminated in a performance in the centre of Petersfield which attracted over 1,500 people.

Not only was the project successful in its own right, it was funded from a variety of sources which enabled it to encompass arts and heritage. Our investment was used to facilitate the research and engagement elements of the project.