Freedom Youth: the first 20 years

Freedom Youth: the first 20 years

Jacket of Free to be Me book
Free to be Me, published to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Freedom Youth

Young Roots

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Bristol, City of
Off The Record
Rhoddir y wobr
Freedom Youth is Bristol's oldest LGBT youth group. They marked their 20th anniversary by recording and interpreting the stories, memories and experiences of past members.

The Freedom Youth project explored their heritage on their 20th anniversary. It was a partnership between the Freedom Youth group, Bristol Record Office and Outstories.

Young people from Freedom Youth created 12 oral history interviews of former members, volunteers and workers. These interviews showed how societal attitudes towards LGBT young people have changed, with interviews touching upon what life was like for LGBT young people during 1995 when Section 28 was still in place. 

Through this project participants explored the challenges and changing attitudes towards gender and sexual identity, and captured stories of how Freedom Youth has made a difference to the lives of young people by providing a space where they can be out and feel comfortable with their sexuality and identity.

The project outcomes were shared through the creation of an archive with Bristol Record Office and through the creation of a book.