Our Heritage
During the two-year project, volunteers from the registered charity have been trained in the collection of oral histories and interviews have been conducted with Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) residents across three sites. They have also visited local birth and death registry offices to gather information as well as collecting photographs and diaries that document sites and the way of life. Using social media they have been able to engage with the communities, gathering stories and information and sharing what they have learnt.
Information gathered will be housed at St Fagan’s Museum as well as being shared in a book, DVD and travelling exhibition.
Isaac Blake, Director of RCAC, said: “this project is a significant development for our community and our organisation. It is a further step-change that sees the community 100% in the driving seat and is another leap towards our dream of having a successful cultural venue and museum, dedicated to all-things GRT. We could not be doing this work without the excellent support from HLF.”