Eycott Hill Nature Reserve

Eycott Hill Nature Reserve

A person sitting on a rock looking towards a hill called Blencathra

Heritage Grants

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Greystoke and Ullswater
Awdurdod Lleol
Westmorland and Furness
Cumbria Wildlife Trust Limited
Rhoddir y wobr
A nature reserve was created at Eycott Hill in North Cumbria to preserve the natural environment of the area.

Cumbria Wildlife Trust (CWT) is a voluntary organisation devoted to conserving the biodiversity of Cumbria's wildlife and landscapes, and engaging people with the natural environment.

Eycott Hill is located in the Lake District National Park and supports several areas of extant habitat. The area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest unusually for both its biology and its geology.  

The project involves the site being developed as both a nature reserve and as a demonstration site for conservation farming techniques.  A number of activities will take place such as restoring a range of wildlife habitats, constructing visitor infrastructure, construction of cattle enclosures and grazing a herd of cattle on Eycott Hill, as well as a programme of guided walks and events.

A range of opportunities for learning, training and skills development will be provided for different audiences. There will be training and engagement opportunities for CWT staff, student placements, the public and volunteers. Subjects such as hill farming for conservationists, conservation grazing techniques, training in livestock checking, running guided walks and specialist conservation skills, and wildlife recording courses will be covered.

The project will develop a dedicated website to share the heritage with a wider audience.