Exploring memories of Carnlough through photography

Exploring memories of Carnlough through photography

A Memories of Carnlough memoryboard

Your Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
The Maidens
Awdurdod Lleol
Mid and East Antrim
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
Rhoddir y wobr
The project explored the heritage of Carnlough using a private collection of photographs taken by the late Jim McNeill during the 1960s and 1970s.

The subjects of images included Carnlough's history from its sport and rural life, through to entertainment and social heritage. The project identified faces, places and events from the photos, using a variety of publicity from local newspapers to social media. They also recorded the associated stories and undertook additional research.

Planned by the local community group in conjunction with the Larne Borough Council museum staff, both volunteers and staff took part in the information gathering and research. They gained lifelong, key skills to complete the project through a specialised training programme. Skills developed included care of photographs, designing exhibitions and oral history collection.

All the information gathered was pulled together into a touring exhibition, booklet and the Memories of Carnlough project website, giving the project longevity. The photographs were donated to the local museum.

The project succeeded in enriching the public’s understanding of this important local collection.