Engaging communities to enhance urban greenspaces in Cumbernauld

Engaging communities to enhance urban greenspaces in Cumbernauld

Participant recording the natural heritage of Cumbernauld
Participant recording the natural heritage of Cumbernauld

Our Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Cumbernauld North
Awdurdod Lleol
North Lanarkshire
Scottish Wildlife Trust
Rhoddir y wobr
Young people from local secondary schools in Cumbernauld have been reconnecting with nature to learn about the town's valuable greenspaces.

Led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) this project builds on the successful Living Windows for Cumbernauld funded by our Sharing Heritage programme. This project aims to re-engage young people, communities and families with the woodlands, parklands and nature reserves of Cumbernauld. Half of the town is in fact made up of greenspaces making it one of the greenest towns in Scotland.

Young people aged 14 to 16 have been working with SWT to create community actions plans and have been delivering these at the three local wildlife sites located close to local secondary schools.

By learning about and celebrating their local natural heritage, the young people have gained a sense of ownership and appreciation of greenspaces around them. Students have gained confidence, taken part in work experience and some are considering careers in the sector.

Families from the local community have participated in a range of events including discovery walks and wildlife ID training days. As a result, a wider range of people have got involved, had fun and shared their stories of Cumbernauld’s greenspaces and wildlife.

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