Crossings: An exploration of less visible maritime buildings and communities in Leith

Crossings: An exploration of less visible maritime buildings and communities in Leith

Young people taking part in the dance film
Young people taking part in the dance film

Our Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
City Centre
Awdurdod Lleol
City of Edinburgh
Dance Base
Rhoddir y wobr
Exploring the vibrant heritage of Leith through dance and film.

Crossings is a community project, which explores the historic buildings and cultural heritage of Leith.

Experts from Historic Scotland, Edinburgh Museums and Galleries and artists from Dance Base worked with a number of youth groups in this ‘deep dive’ into Leith’s maritime history. The young people carried out research into the collections of Trinity House Maritime Museum, the Norwegian Church, and Edinburgh Museums and Galleries.

Participants had the opportunity to develop their skills in areas such as dance and film-making, and took part in the production of three new dance films based on original choreography.

The project also produced written content, and a teacher training resource pack which has since been distributed to primary schools throughout Edinburgh.

The trio of new dance films, along with an exhibition of historic objects selected by participants in the project, are being presented in a series of screenings and installations across Edinburgh. 

The films can also be seen on the Dancebase website, along with further information on the project.