Craven's Part in the Great War

Craven's Part in the Great War

Craven's Part in the Great War
Craven's Part in the Great War artifacts

Our Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Craven Community Projects Group
Rhoddir y wobr
This project was based on an idea taken from an original book, published by the Craven Herald in 1920, commemorating every soldier from the Craven District who fell in the First World War.

Original material from this out of print book was digitised and made available via a website. The community and local schools were involved in researching further information about the men and their lives, and this has been added to the database. War memorials in the Craven District were also identified and photographed, and one at risk of demolition was discovered and rescued.

Two open days launched the website, and events were held to publicise the project and to encourage local people to research and provide information about their relatives. Work has continued after formal completion of the project with further updates and material added to the site.

The project aimed to:

  • Preserve the information contained in the book Craven’s Part in the Great War, itself designed as a memorial, and to link this information with other sources about the First World War, making a central point of access for those interested in Craven’s contribution.
  • Create a range of learning opportunities for the local community, asking them to research, contribute and present additional information about those commemorated.
  • Disseminate the results of this research and recording, via a website, freely available and easily accessible to all.