Childhood at Osborne

Childhood at Osborne

Children on balcony of wooden playhouse

Heritage Grants

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Isle of Wight
English Heritage
Rhoddir y wobr
Families are now able to step back into the world of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s children at Osborne on the Isle of Wight.

Restoration of the Swiss Cottage, a playhouse built for the nine royal siblings, accompanied new interpretation and displays of artefacts.

English Heritage used the children’s letters, diaries and paintings – researched by a team of volunteers – to reveal the intimate stories of the young princes and princesses. The children were involved in laying the foundations for the cottage, cultivated a fruit and vegetable garden and ran a toy grocer's shop, while the princesses learned to cook in the small kitchen.

The restoration included creating a nature trail to the nearby beach, an outreach programme for schools and guided tours for disabled visitors. A children’s forum provided ideas as to how the Cottage and its story could be made even more engaging.

Neil McCollum, English Heritage Historic Properties Director for the South East, said: “The project has been a tremendous success in engaging families with the story of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s nine children. The number of families visiting Osborne House has significantly increased while a great community of volunteers, schools and local groups has grown around the Cottage.”