Chevin Through Time

Chevin Through Time

Sculpture trail in the Chevin Forest Park
Sculpture trail in the Chevin Forest Park

Your Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Otley & Yeadon
Awdurdod Lleol
Friends of Chevin Forest Park
Rhoddir y wobr
Chevin Forest Park’s fascinating stories are being told through heritage trails, spotters’ guides, podcasts and their interactive website.

The Chevin has always been known to provide valuable Iron Age resources such as flints and arrowheads. Now, more secrets are being uncovered at the 180-hectare country park.

Dramatic hillsides hold fascinating tales of Roman soldiers, beacons that were prepared in readiness for a French invasion in the 19th century and memories of how Jenny Myers’ hospitality provided her own china and hot water to the many visitors to Chevin top. All these stories have been brought to life in this project through artefacts, memories and photographs. Guides, podcasts, open days and a website have all introduced more people to this valuable resource on the edge of Otley.

Local people have always loved the area for its wildlife, geology and scheduled ancient monuments but the project developed a deeper understanding of the rich history that had helped to create it. 

Barbara Winfield, Friends of Chevin Park said: “Without the HLF grant very little would have been undertaken and we never cease to be amazed about how much history we’ve discovered relating to a relatively small area.”