Broadland During the First World War

Broadland During the First World War

A picture of soldiers leaving the Home Front in the First World War

First World War: Then and Now

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
North Norfolk
Museum of the Broads
Rhoddir y wobr
This project is exploring the impact of the First World War on the people of Broadland, from the perspectives of the men who went to war and those who remained at home.

As well as telling the stories of those who were lost, the project will feature events about the home front:

  • the first ever Zeppelin air raid in the UK which took place in 1915 over Great Yarmouth; invasion scares
  • spy mania
  • the wounded brought to Brundall and Ingham
  • the overall impact of the war on family life

Older people from Stalham and the surrounding villages are contributing reminiscences handed down to them by their relatives who lived through the war. These stories have been recorded on video by students from Stalham High School, who will illustrate them using archive photographs, contemporary artwork and animations. This will be edited into a short film and screened as part of an exhibition at the Museum of the Broads.

The museum will also showcase a family collection of writings and photographs made by the Vicar of Brumstead during the war. All this material will be published the Broadland During the First World War website, making it available to everyone forever.