Big Pit: National Mining Museum of Wales

Big Pit: National Mining Museum of Wales

Children visit Big Pit National Mining Museum

Heritage Grants

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
National Museums & Galleries of Wales/Big Pit (Blaenafon) Trust
Rhoddir y wobr
Big Pit Mining Museum, with its underground workings, buildings, machinery and extensive collections, is the best surviving example of the mining industry in Wales.

Originally run by the Big Pit (Blaenafon) Trust, the Museum became part of National Museums and Galleries of Wales when this grant was awarded.

The project focused on developing the visitor experience and understanding of the mining industry in Wales and its impact on people and place.

It involved:

  • the conservation and adaptation of 19 listed (Grade II and II*) buildings
  • engineering work to the historic underground workings to allow long-term access
  • the provision of fully-equipped facilities for learning
  • interpretation and displays to explain the mining process and to develop visitors’ understanding of the coal archive and collections

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