Bedford High Street THI

Bedford High Street THI

An example of Bedford High Street: before and after the project

Townscape Heritage Initiative

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Castle & Newnham
Awdurdod Lleol
Bedford Borough Council Unitary Authority
Rhoddir y wobr
Bedford High Street is in a designated conservation area, but before our grant for the restoration of some of its historic buildings, it was looking shabby and unloved.

The aim of Bedford High Street – Back in Business is to ensure the long term preservation of the historic Bedford High Street area. This includes structural repairs, restoration of traditional shop fronts, reinstatement of lost architectural details and by bringing upper floors above the shops back into use.

Eleven buildings have been identified as top priority for restoration, with a further 53 on a reserve list. The project is also providing education and training for local people in heritage skills, heritage interpretation, events, educational and community activities.

Shop owners, tenants, contractors, students and the general public have been offered training in heritage construction and maintenance skills and a new NVQ in Heritage Construction Skills, via Bedford College. 

Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson, said: “These restored shop fronts look fantastic and reveal the impact that this heritage-based regeneration project will have on Bedford High Street. It is great to see the results being achieved by local businesses using our High Street THI project.”