Baptist history: the hidden treasure of a nation and beyond

Baptist history: the hidden treasure of a nation and beyond

Baptist history: the hidden treasure of a nation and beyond
One of the historic Baptist tracts that has been digitised.

Heritage Grants

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Carfax & Jericho
Awdurdod Lleol
Regent's Park College
Rhoddir y wobr
A hidden treasury of internationally important documents about Baptist history has been unlocked to the benefit of historians and researchers.

Managed by Regent's Park College, Angus Library staff catalogued more than 12,700 printed works and digitised more than 17,000 pages of information. A database of more than 10,000 Baptist ministers and missionaries from the 17th century onwards was also created in a central location, greatly assisting researchers, especially those interested in family history. 

Volunteers played an important part in delivering the project. A series of exhibitions and talks attracted more than 1,400 people and several guided tours of the library and archive were held. In-depth teaching resources were created to enable schools to obtain a better understanding of non-conformism and downloads of this information greatly exceeded all expectations.

The Angus Library was also made accessible with installation of a stair lift.

Rev’d Emma Walsh, College Librarian, said: “Due to the project The Angus is no longer the hidden treasure of a nation and beyond, but rather a treasure which is known, accessible and able to help more people engage with their personal heritage and a previously hidden facet of history.”