Down Memory Lane

On Saturday 15 March at the Broomhall Centre, ‘Our Broomhall’, the Heritage Lottery Funded project, is putting on a celebration event called ‘Down Memory Lane’, to mark its first year.
Project Manager, Jennie Beard, explained: “At the event we would like to give the opportunity to people who grew up in or lived in the area in the past to meet up and to meet present-day residents, to share memories and maybe see old neighbours and friends. The event is from 2pm-5pm on a drop-in basis but there will be a short formalities section at 3.30pm where we will update people on how the project is going and how they can contribute and get involved. It’s also an opportunity for people to share their stories and memories with the project on the day and to bring along their old Broomhall photos and memorabilia. We based our invite postcard for the event on an old dance card from the Broomhall Centre from 1928 that we literally found down the back of a cupboard!”
Everyone is welcome to go along and enjoy a good natter about days gone past over a cup of tea and a piece of cake! For more information about the event or the ‘Our Broomhall’ project please contact Jennie Beard at or 07810 162 146.
The Down Memory Lane event will be held from 2pm-5pm on Saturday 15 March at The Broomhall Centre, Broomspring Lane, Broomhall, Sheffield, S10 2FD. Free entry including refreshments.
Notes to editors
Working with a range of local community groups and heritage professionals, the Our Broomhall heritage project is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and aims to capture and record the changing history and diverse nature of the area. The project is providing training in heritage and other transferable skills that will help participants contribute more to community life in the future. Local residents are being trained in oral history techniques to help them gather their neighbour's stories using film, audio and modern digital media technologies. Using these as well as archives and archaeological skills, we will explore the historical development of the area and the role of the local Broomhall community Centre within living memory. Uncovering the hidden heritage and social history of Broomhall will enable a more positive story to be told about the area and create a more positive identity within the city of Sheffield.
Further information
Jennie Beard, Project Manager on or 07810 162 146