Bridgend Townscape Heritage Initiative Phase II

Bridgend Townscape Heritage Initiative Phase II

A block icon representing a shop

Townscape Heritage Initiative

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Bridgend Central
Awdurdod Lleol
Bridgend County Borough Council
Rhoddir y wobr
The historic commercial core of the once flourishing town of Bridgend is to be further conserved and redeveloped as part of an ongoing initiative to drive forward economic and social regeneration.

Bridgend, which grew rapidly in the 19th century, has suffered deprivation in recent years in line with the decline of local heavy industry, as well as competition from out-of-town shopping centres and Cardiff and Swansea. The town, however, does retain a significant number of buildings of architectural and historic interest and the second phase of this project will again focus on key properties in the town centre, including the Victoria Inn. 

Repairing the effects of poor quality maintenance, restoring lost architectural detail and replacing inappropriate signage will be among the priorities. An ongoing partnership with Bridgend College will provide conservation skills for local contractors, while complementary initiatives include a programme of community arts and cultural events.