Letters from the Front: Learning from the past

Letters from the Front: Learning from the past

Narberth Museum: Letters from the Front
People from Pembrokeshire explore the First World War through soldier’s poignant handwritten letters

First World War: Then and Now

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Narberth: Urban
Awdurdod Lleol
Narberth Museum
Rhoddir y wobr
Narberth Museum is researching the letters of a Narberth soldier who shared his experiences on the frontline with friends and family back in Wales.

William Bowen Stephens was a resident of Narberth and his letters describe his experiences of the frontline, his views and opinions about the war and his hopes for the future.

His letters, along with a collection of medals, diaries, uniforms and photographs already held by the museum are being displayed in a temporary exhibition. Wider research is also being undertaken by members of the museum and local people through workshops and drop-in sessions.

Through these letters, members of the local community and school groups are exploring the impact of the First World War on their town. Based on the information collected, the museum and local youth theatre will create a performance and DVD documenting the uncovered stories.