Heritage Grants
Over four years, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs will engage people in discovering, sharing and learning about the peace heritage in Wales. They will explore previously untold stories and bring to light this little-known aspect of Welsh heritage.
An extensive range of activities are engaging communities across Wales, helping people to better understand Welsh experiences during the war, Wales’ role in contributing to peace at home and abroad, and the way that people feel about conflict today.
Wales’ National Book of Remembrance for the two World Wars will be made available to the public online, and the project will support people to uncover the stories behind the names.
The project will explore personal accounts of ‘peace builders’ from Wales over the last century, including notable musicians, poets, pacifists and conscientious objectors, politicians and community leaders. It also aims to engage people in discussions about how conflict and peace have shaped Wales today.
A travelling exhibition will bring together elements from all of the project activities and seek to tell the story of Wales and peace from 1914 up to the present day.