No Beaches in the Rhondda: 50 years of Cold Knap Lifeguard Club

No Beaches in the Rhondda: 50 years of Cold Knap Lifeguard Club

A picture of men of the Cold Knap Lifeguard Club

Your Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Awdurdod Lleol
Rhondda Cynon Taf
Rhondda (Cold Knap) Lifeguard Club
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The Rhondda (Cold Knap) Lifeguard Club led an 18-month project to record memories to celebrate 50 years of the club.

The project involved three research and training days with a core group of volunteers of a variety of ages. The skills learnt were then used to host six memory evenings where material was collected and stories recorded.

The stories and material were shared at a celebration anniversary event, which was attended by 130 people. It was here where the club launched a book and DVD.

Find out more on the Rhondda Lifeguard Club website.