Northern Ireland: delegated decisions October 2024
National Lottery Heritage Grants
The ACT Initiative Visitor Centre ‘Eighteen and a half years’ old – Ordinary young men extraordinary times’
Applicant: Action for Community Transformation Initiative
Project description: This project aims to develop the visitor centre as an exhibition space exploring differing perspectives on the NI Troubles, with the collection of oral archives and materials. The exhibition illustrates the experience of the conflict by Loyalists and ex-political prisoners in the Shankill Road area of Belfast. The project will redress the underrepresentation of the Protestant, Unionist, Loyalist (PUL) perspective while at the same time challenging misconceptions of the PUL and ex-prisoner narrative that abide.
Decision: Award grant of £250,000 (59% of total project costs)
‘Saving Fedian Fields’ – Fermanagh’s finest high nature value heritage farmland
Applicant: Ulster Wildlife Trust
Project description: This project centres on the acquisition of a 91-acre species rich grassland set within the farmlands of Co Fermanagh. Once owned, Ulster Wildlife intend to use the farm as a best practice demonstration site for farmers, policymakers and members of the public.
Decision: Award grant of £150,400 (56% of total project costs)
Heritage Reconnected: Celebrating 25 Years of CÓFLA Through Engagement and Preservation
Applicant: Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Memorial Library & Archive Trust
Project description: The main focus of this project is the safeguarding and preservation of two key archives within the organisation’s collection: The Traditional Sports and Pastimes collection and The Irish Overseas Archive.
Decision: Award grant of £92,150 (95% of total project costs)
Galwally House Community Engagement Project
Applicant: Provincial Grand Lodge of Down Galwally House Trust
Project description: This project aims to develop community engagement plans and undertake a building condition survey.
Decision: Reject