Nominate extraordinary people from your heritage project for a Game Changer award

Nominate extraordinary people from your heritage project for a Game Changer award

A collage of photos from different National Lottery projects including people on a speedboat and a person clapping, next to text: Celebrate your local game changer, nominations now open, 30 years of changing live, #National Lottery 30
To celebrate our 30th birthday we are on the hunt for inspirational people from amazing heritage projects supported by the National Lottery over the past 30 years.

Every week, National Lottery players raise money for good causes the length and breadth of the UK. Hidden across the UK are thousands of people who have used that money to bring profound change, inspiration and joy… and we need your help to find them.

Do you know someone who brought fantastic ideas to your project, who gave a huge amount of time, or led the way? By nominating them as a Game Changer they will get the chance to be one of 30 winners who will be celebrated in spectacular style this autumn. Your project will also be given UK wide recognition and promotion. 

A person with long dark hair wearing a coat looks at a motor-racing helmet and suit

How to nominate

If you want to nominate a person from a heritage project the public vote is now open on The National Lottery Good Causes Website.

Nominations must be associated with a National Lottery Heritage Fund supported project. If you are not sure, don’t worry. Nominate them anyway, and our team will check it out.

Nominations close at midday on 17 June 2024.

You can also help spread the word by sharing on social media using #NationalLottery30 and resharing our promotion posts @HeritageFundUK. 

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