Harr-Joht is passionate about the application of values-led visions across museum and heritage organisations. Working in these spaces, she facilitates research activity, drives young people's engagement, and builds dynamic cultural programmes.
She is particularly fascinated by the post-pandemic transformation of cultural venues and experiences. She currently manages research programmes at Tate, working towards a strategic vision to create a vibrant research culture in the museum. Alongside this, she is also a Trustee at the Nishkam Centre, a civic engagement hub located in her home town of Handsworth, Birmingham. Harr-Joht's work considers how arts and heritage can be used for community engagement and peace-building.
Harr-Joht is driven towards a career in museums and heritage following her experience as a participant on gallery-based young people’s programmes. Within these spaces, and alongside creative peers and collaborators, she experienced the infinite potential of art, culture and heritage to inspire wonder, reflection and joy.
Harr-Joht is active on LinkedIn.