Experience Community CIC: Heritage for All

Experience Community CIC: Heritage for All

Experience Community CIC wheelchair users enjoying the countryside

Resilient Heritage

Dyddiad a ddyfarnwyd
Colne Valley
Awdurdod Lleol
Experience Community CIC
Rhoddir y wobr
The Heritage for All project found innovative solutions to overcome barriers and improve access for disabled people to be able to explore and benefit from natural heritage.
Experience Community CIC cyclist and wheelchair user travelling along a track in the countryside

The project developed films and information about walks and other leisure activities for disabled people and the wider community, as well as providing access to specialist off-road mobility equipment. The videos, written information, maps and photos show people exactly what the walk or activity has to offer, so they can really get a grasp of what to expect. The information provided allows them to decide if the activity is suitable for them. 

Trails and destinations that Experience Community has provided video content and information for include Yorkshire Water sites such as Langsett Reservoir, walks in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and at nature reserves such as Humberhead Peatlands and RSPB Bempton Cliffs.

The project also enabled the organisation to develop their business plans and develop partnerships with large organisations and heritage attractions, such as National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, to grow their reach and make heritage accessible to all. 

Experience Community Founder and Managing Director, Craig Grimes explained, "We want to increase the visibility of disabled people in our natural heritage by working with heritage organisations to provide employment and volunteering opportunities to people with disabilities to embed them conservation projects from day one. By doing this we involve a wider range of people in our heritage.”