Young Roots at Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre

Young Roots at Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre

Young Roots is a programme devised by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to get young people interested and involved in their heritage. Montrose Air Station, which exists to preserve and display the great aviation heritage of Montrose and Scotland, has been working in partnership with ATC squadrons in Angus and Fife on Young Roots projects to restore historical aviation artefacts. The event brought together young people from the Montrose, Auchtermuchty and Dunfermline squadrons to showcase their achievements.

Each squadron had a very different challenge.

The Auchtermuchty squadron was involved in moving a Vampire aircraft from the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune to RAF Leuchars where it has been in safe keeping until last week when it was transported to Montrose. They were reunited with the aircraft which is fully assembled at the Heritage Centre and set up a display about their project.

The Montrose squadron have been involved in making a new propeller mounting for the Centre’s replica Sopwith Camel. Camels were a common sight over Montrose towards the end of the First World War. At the event, the cadets attached a (genuine) Sopwith Camel propeller to the replica machine. They have also been restoring a small biplane which they have painted red. They stuck black crosses on it so that it is now a replica of the Red Baron, available for visiting children to sit in and operate the controls.

The Dunfermline squadron has designed and built new engine stands from steel fabricated in the workshop equipped with money from the Young Roots grant. These are now fitted to the Heritage Centre’s collection of historic aircraft engines to create a display demonstrating the development of aircraft propulsion.

Colin McLean, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund in Scotland, said: “We are thrilled that these young people have taken such an interest in the heritage. Through this project they have made new friends, had great experiences and learned new skills which will be important to them for future employment. They have also helped preserve and interpret highlights in Scotland’s aviation history for others to learn from and enjoy.” 

Further information

Heritage Lottery Fund, Shiona Mackay, on 01786 870 638 / 07779 142 890